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Comprehensive Global

Comprehensive Global

Get certified to teach Pilates with BASI Pilates teacher training programs available around the world.

The Comprehensive Global Program includes the Mat Program as well as a thorough and complete education in Pilates covering the full range of Pilates equipment (Reformer, Cadillac, Wunda Chair, Ped-a-pul, Ladder Barrel, Step Barrel and various other Auxiliary apparatus). This program consists of 12 modules, which is comprised of 72 hours of lecture, discussion, and exercise analysis and practice. More than simply a program of study, the Comprehensive Global Program is an enduring foundation for a career in Pilates. This is a college-level teacher training program that give students knowledge of Pilates theory, exercises, and teaching skills on all Pilates equipment.

When you complete BASI’s Comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training, you will have graduated from the most rigorous, exciting, and positively life-changing Pilates teacher training in the business. You may test for a BASI Pilates Comprehensive teaching certification and you will qualify to take the National Pilates Certification Program exam.

To receive a BASI Comprehensive Certificate, students will have completed the Comprehensive Program along with 500 hours: self-practice (200 hours), observation (100 hours), practice teaching (200 hours), passed the mid-term and final written exams, and submitted a Student Paper. Additionally there is an in-person teaching assessment and practical examination.

Program schedule is subject to postponement or cancellation, based on student enrollment.

Refunds/ Cancellations

• All fees and refunds will be in US Dollars

• Upon enrollment a $100 non-refundable registration fee plus a $400 deposit is due

• If a cancelation is received 30 days or more prior to the commencement of the first module, BASI will refund all monies paid. (excluding non-refundable registration fee except Point #2)

• If a cancelation is received fewer than 30 days prior to the commencement of the first module, BASI will refund all monies other than initial deposit and registration.

• No refunds will be offered following the commencement of the first module.

BASIピラティスのコンプリヘンシブプログラムは、マットエクササイズに加えて、リフォーマー、キャデラック、ワンダチェアなどのピラティス器具を使ったトレーニングを網羅したプログラムです。このコースは、72時間の講義やディスカッション、エクササイズの分析と実践を含む12のモジュールで構成されており、ピラティスの指導者としてのキャリアを築くための確固たるベースを提供します。ピラティスの理論やエクササイズに加えて、さまざまな器具を使った指導スキルを学びます。 このコースを修了すると、BASIピラティスの認定試験を受ける資格が得られ、国際的な認定試験の受講権利を得ることができます。 修了証を取得するには、500時間のトレーニングを完了する必要があります。内訳は、自己実践200時間、見学100時間、指導実習200時間です。また、中間試験と最終筆記試験に合格し、論文の提出、指導評価や実技試験にも合格する必要があります。 コースの日程は、登録状況により変更やキャンセルが生じる場合があります。 現在、早期割引が適用されています。詳細やご質問については、[email protected]までお問い合わせください。

Oct 11, 2025 - Dec 21, 2025

Era Pilates Studio

3-3-9 Shirakabe, Higashi-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture Taisei Residence Shirakabe store side 2F, Nagoya, Japan


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