报名截止日期:2025年3月28日。如需更多信息,请联系 china@basipilates.com。
Module 1 - The Fundamentals
Apr 11, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Primary concepts covered include the 10 movement principles of the Pilates method, an overview of the pelvic region and Pilates breathing. A historical overview of Pilates is presented, plus the BASI® approach, and the importance of safety when teaching Pilates are discussed. Repertoire includes fundamental Mat and Reformer exercises. A one-hour mat class is taught.
Module 2 - Anatomy Overview Part 1
Apr 12, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Primary concepts covered include an anatomy and terminology overview: major bones, muscles, joints, bony landmarks and center of gravity. The importance and practice of cueing is discussed. Repertoire covers fundamental Reformer, intermediate Mat, Pole and Ped-a-pul. A one-hour mat class is taught.
Module 3 - Anatomy Overview Part 2
Apr 13, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Primary concepts covered include the BASI® system of movement analysis, exercise physiology, and aerobic/anaerobic exercise. The BASI® format of teaching is discussed and the Block System®, created by Rael Isacowitz, is introduced. Repertoire taught is intermediate Mat and Reformer and Leg Weights. A one-hour mat class is taught.
Module 4 - Posture Assessment
May 02, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Primary concepts covered are the principles of alignment and posture assessment. Discussion includes exercise as a tool for assessment. Repertoire taught includes intermediate through advanced Mat, intermediate Reformer, and fundamental Cadillac. A one-hour mat class is taught.
Module 5 - Core Strength: Back and Abdominals
May 03, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Primary concepts covered are core strength and the relationship of the various muscle groups that make up the core with particular focus on the abdominals and the back extensors. Contraindications, effective exercises and the importance of understanding your clients needs and body type are discussed. Also addressed are the role of the teacher and the importance of flow in a session. Repertoire taught includes advanced Mat, intermediate Reformer, and Arm Chair. A one-hour mat class is taught.
Module 6 - Exercise Adaptation
May 04, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Primary concepts include an in-depth look into exercise adaptation and the use of assists and modifications. Lecture focuses on how to construct a complete and comprehensive program. Repertoire taught is advanced Mat, intermediate Reformer, fundamental Wunda Chair and Magic Circle. A one-hour mat class is taught. The Midterm Written Examination is given.
Module 7 - Muscle Balance and Imbalance
May 23, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Primary concepts covered are the meaning of balance, and the implications of imbalances in strength and flexibility. Lecture focuses on functional exercises, movement patterns, neuromuscular re-education and muscle testing. Repertoire taught includes intermediate and advanced Reformer, Wunda Chair, and Cadillac.
Module 8 - The Lower Limbs
May 24, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Primary concepts covered include the hip joint, the knee joint and the ankle-foot complex. The gait cycle is discussed and analyzed. Repertoire taught is intermediate Reformer, Wunda Chair, and Cadillac.
Module 9 - The Shoulder
May 25, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Primary concepts covered are the structure and function of the shoulder region. The shoulder joint, muscles of the shoulder, and the importance of correct shoulder mechanics are presented. Lecture includes how to work with clients with shoulder problems and recognizing scope of practice. Repertoire taught is intermediate Reformer, Cadillac, Wunda Chair, and introduction of the Ladder Barrel and Step Barrel.
Module 10 - Program Design Principles
Jun 13, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Primary concepts covered are the principles of training, such as overload, specificity and reversibility. Components of physical fitness are addressed and analyzed. Lecture includes repertoire levels and how they relate to working with a broad range of clientele. Repertoire taught is advanced Reformer, Wunda Chair, and Cadillac.
Module 11 - Specific Populations Part 1
Jun 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Primary concepts covered are habitual movement patterns, cross training, imbalances and setting goals. The athletic population is looked at closely. Lecture focuses on teaching methodologies. Repertoire taught includes intermediate- and advanced-level work on both Ladder Barrel and Step Barrel.
Module 12 - Specific Populations Part 2*
Jun 15, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Primary concepts covered are based on populations with restrictions and an in-depth look at pregnancy guidelines. Lecture includes teaching men and women, different body types as well as objectives and approaches. A general review of the repertoire is conducted. The Final Written Examination will be available online at the completion of the module.
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Tuition: $6000
在线支付 (信用卡) = $6000 USD
银行转账 = 47500 RMB,请联系 china@basipilates.com 获取转账信息。
押金 $500(报名时支付) 剩余学费需在课程开始前14个工作日内支付
综合认证考试费用 - $250。